2025 Poster Sessions

AOA and WCO invite you to participate in our 2025 Poster Sessions for Optometry's Meeting | 5th World Congress of Optometry.

2025 Poster Session & Call for Abstracts

The AOA and WCO invite you to participate in our Poster Sessions for Optometry's Meeting® 2025!

The Poster Session creates a national forum for clinicians, students and faculty to communicate interesting cases and unique research to their colleagues. Abstracts based on unique clinical cases featuring any and all aspects of optometric research will be reviewed and the submissions meeting the required criteria will be accepted for Poster presentation. All case reports and research must be complete and unpublished at the time of submission. Poster abstracts must be submitted electronically and be received by Feb. 14, 2025.

Poster Submissions

Residency Forum Submissions

Poster formats

The 2025 Poster Session will be available in three formats:

  1. Live/In-Person

    Provided by WCO, the accepted in-person poster submissions will be presented June 26-27, 2025, live at Optometry’s Meeting in Minneapolis.

  2. Live/Virtual

    Provided by AOA, the live/virtual poster accepted submissions will have the opportunity to present in real-time and engage in a live question/answer with our audience. Live-Virtual Posters will be presented late-afternoon/early-evening on May 29, 2025.


  3. Pre-Recorded

    Provided by AOA, the accepted pre-recorded poster submissions will be added to the EyeLearn platform for a viewing period beginning May 23, 2025. This format will allow for increased participation and ease of viewing for interested parties. Please note that pre-recorded posters are NOT applicable toward Academy Fellowship requirements.


Top five posters featured

The top five posters will be selected to participate in a live education session at Optometry's Meeting on Friday, June 27, 2025, from 4-6 p.m. Each presenter will receive complimentary registration to Optometry’s Meeting 2025 for participating in this rapid-fire session featuring 15-20 minutes of presentation per author. The top five posters also will be featured in AOA Focus magazine and in WCO e-news.

Selection criteria and requirements

Authors will be notified by mid-March via email if their poster has been accepted. Acceptance will be based on the following criteria:

  1. All abstracts must meet the following requirements

    1. Primary authors must be a member of the AOA and/or WCO to be an Optometry’s Meeting poster presenter
    2. The complete abstract must be submitted online by Feb. 14, 2025.
    3. A primary author may only submit three posters total; any posters exceeding this amount will not be considered.
    4. The abstract must follow the format example explicitly, or disqualification will occur

Case report abstract

Title: Title should be short and indicative of the nature of the case report.
Summary: Summarize the following key elements of the case report. The abstract cannot exceed 350 words. Submissions over 350 words in length will not be eligible for selection.
     Case Summary:

Scientific poster abstract

Title: Title should be short and indicative of the nature of the scientific report.
Summary: Summarize the following key elements of the scientific report. The abstract cannot exceed 350 words. Submissions over 350 words in length will not be eligible for selection.

    1. The abstract submission must be complete; otherwise, the entry will be disqualified.
    2. The abstract must be no more than 350 words (not including title and authors); all abstracts over this word count will be disqualified.
    3. The information conveyed must be of sufficient general interest to the optometric community.
    4. The abstract must be clear, concise and well-written in anticipation of publication.
    5. The abstract must contain sufficient detail for evaluation.
  1. Scientific abstracts must meet the following additional requirements:
    1. The abstract must be based on original and previously unpublished research.
    2. The abstract must describe a scientific investigation of the idea or product being studied.
    3. The abstract must demonstrate a clear and soundly tested hypothesis.
    4. The conclusions in the abstract must appear to be justified by the results presented.
    5. The abstract must contain evidence of a significant, new result and the significance must be clear from the abstract.
    6. The abstract must contain more than just preliminary results.

  2. Case report abstracts must meet the following additional requirements:
    1. The case report must highlight timely or essential information, not just a review of information already in the literature.
    2. The case report must be unique. If two similar case reports are submitted, a choice may be made between the two to maximize diversity in the poster program.
    3. The case report must demonstrate complete follow-through of patient care.
    4. The clinical significance of the case report must be clear from the abstract.

  3. Informational abstracts must meet the following additional requirements:
    1. The topic must be deemed appropriate for presentation at Optometry’s Meeting®. Topics appropriate for informational posters include, but are not limited to, information about AOA programs or sections.
    2. Informational posters may not contain product or service advertisements.

Please note: Authors of selected Top 5 posters will receive complimentary registration to Optometry's Meeting 2025 in Minneapolis.

Publication of abstracts

Posters are peer-reviewed, and only those that meet the acceptance criteria will be selected for presentation and publication. Accepted posters will be published in an AOA digital supplement promoted to AOA members and the profession. The supplement will be featured on aoa.org, optometrysmeeting.org and included in an article in AOA Focus magazine following Optometry's Meeting.  WCO accepted posters may be featured in future e-news and on the WCO website.

Attending the Poster Sessions


Posters will be displayed on June 26 and 27.  Authors will be scheduled to be present at their poster for a 2-hour period during this time.


Presenters will prepare a 7–10-minute presentation, which will be presented via live webinar on the EyeLearn platform.


Presenters will prepare and submit their 7–10-minute presentation recording, which will be posted to the EyeLearn platform for viewing.

Poster specifications

Authors will be given ePoster creation and upload instructions upon acceptance. Examples of posters will be provided at that time.

Authors for in-person posters will be given presentation specifications upon acceptance.

Important dates

Submission deadline Feb. 14, 2025
Notification of acceptance Mid-March 2025
Poster Session Recordings Available Beginning May 23, 2025
Rapid-fire CE Course feat. Top 5 Poster Presenters June 27, 2025
Optometry's Meeting June 25-28, 2025

Contact Information

Mail Telephone Fax Email
American Optometric Association
Attn: Education Center
243 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63141
800.365.2219 314.991.4101 educationcenter@aoa.org
World Council of Optometry
243 N. Lindbergh Blvd. N
St. Louis, MO 63141
314.983.4196 enquiries@worldoptometry.org

Are you a fellow? If so, make sure to submit your abstract for our new Residency Forum at Optometry's Meeting.

Residency Forum details

Download your 2025 Conference Preview!

Download your 2025 conference preview to learn more about Optometry’s Meeting | 5th World Congress of Optometry in Minneapolis, June 25-28, 2025. Learn about this year's meeting, including education, networking opportunities, career-building sessions, Eye Care Square exhibit hall and other special events.

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